8 Kidney Stones Symptoms in Women Shouldn't Ignore
by Yogveda india
3 min reading time
Kidney stones can be a discomforting experience for anyone, and women, in particular, may encounter distinct symptoms. It's crucial for females to be vigilant about signs that could indicate the presence of kidney stones. In this article, we highlight eight important kidney stone symptoms that women need to be aware of including severe abdominal and back pain, frequent urination and urgency, blood in urine (hematuria), cloudy or foul-smelling urine, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, and pain when you pee. Additionally, passing a kidney stone female symptoms can include sharp, cramping pain that moves from the lower back to the lower abdomen or groin.
Kidney Stones Symptoms in Women
8 symptoms of kidney stones in females that should not be ignored:
1. Painful Urination:
A key indicator of kidney stones in women is the pain experienced during urination. If you find yourself feeling discomfort or a burning sensation while peeing, it might be a sign. This pain can result from the stone irritating the urinary tract, emphasizing the importance of not dismissing such symptoms.
2. Lower Abdominal Pain:
Women with kidney stones might experience pain in the lower abdomen. Ranging from mild to severe and occurring in waves, persistent discomfort in the belly should prompt consultation with a healthcare professional. This could be a symptom of passing a kidney stone in females.
3. Blood in Urine:
The presence of blood in urine is a clear signal that something is wrong. Kidney stones can cause bleeding as they traverse the urinary tract. If your urine appears pink, red, or has a brownish tint, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial. Ignoring this symptom could lead to complications, including those related to kidney stones symptoms female.
4. Frequent Urination:
Increased trips to the bathroom can be indicative of kidney stones in women. Irritation caused by a stone in the urinary tract may lead to heightened urination frequency. Monitoring changes in bathroom habits is essential, and any noticeable shift should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
5. Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine:
Changes in urine appearance or smell may signal kidney stones. Cloudy or foul-smelling urine might suggest an infection or the presence of stones. Pay attention to these changes, as they could be early signs of kidney stone-related issues, including peeing out kidney stones females.
6. Nausea and Vomiting:
Nausea and vomiting are symptoms some women may experience when dealing with kidney stones. The pain associated with passing a kidney stone can trigger these symptoms. If you find yourself feeling queasy, particularly in combination with other symptoms, seeking medical attention is advisable.
7. Fever and Chills:
In certain cases, kidney stones can lead to infection, resulting in fever and chills. An unexplained rise in body temperature or sudden chills should prompt a visit to a healthcare professional. Early intervention is crucial to prevent the infection from spreading, addressing symptoms like women's symptoms of kidney stones.
8. Pain in the Back or Side:
Pain in the back or side, below the ribs, can strongly indicate kidney stones. The location of the pain may vary based on the stone's position in the urinary tract. Persistent back or side pain unrelated to other factors should be thoroughly examined, as it could be a symptom of passing a kidney stone in females.
What to do if you are suffering from kidney stones?
If you're experiencing symptoms of kidney stones, consider seeking relief through Yogveda Health Care's expert team. They offer natural, ayurvedic treatments with no surgery and no pain. Book a FREE consultation today by calling +91-7470445222 or +91-9981890871 or schedule an appointment online. Take a step towards a pain-free and natural solution for kidney stone symptoms.