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Gallbladder stone treatment in Ayurveda – Timely Diagnosis is the Key to Effective Treatment

  • , by Yogveda india
  • 3 min reading time
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Gallbladder stone treatment in Ayurveda

The term gallbladder stone has become so common these days. With an increasing number of people suffering from this problem, it is essential to diagnose it timely so it can be treated without surgery. If it is diagnosed and treated rightly, gallbladder stone treatment without surgery is possible. Ayurveda is a miracle treatment that can help people suffering from this problem get rid of it without having to undergo a knife. Many people benefit from Ayurvedic treatment for several health problems, and gallbladder stone is one of them.

The gall bladder is a small abdominal part present in the human body. The formation of gallstones happens because of biliary tract disease. The entire process of gallstone creation is known as cholelithiasis. People with high cholesterol, genetic predisposition, blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes are at increased risk of developing gallbladder stones. Gallstones occur because of the inflammation of the gallbladder wall. While most doctors and surgeons recommend surgery the moment a person is diagnosed with this problem, Ayurveda has a different approach to treating it. Effective Ayurvedic treatment depends on identifying the root cause of the problem. These stones might have bile-containing cholesterol and bilirubin. Usually, small gallstones need no treatment. However, in most cases, people develop symptoms like nausea and intense abdominal pain that might require surgical intervention. 

Some of the most common symptoms of gallbladder stones are as follows.

  • Flatulence and acid reflux
  • Swelling and delicacy
  • Vomiting 
  • Foggy memory
  • Sickness and retching
  • Skin rashes
  • High fever
  • Low hunger
  • Loose sold discharge
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Jaundice
  • Stomach torment and indigestion
  • Rapid pulse

Ayurvedic Treatment of Gallbladder Stones

Since immemorial, India has been known as the homeland for Ayurvedic treatment. It is based on a holistic system of treating diseases. The Ayurveda approach to treating gallstones is known as “Pitta Ashamri.” As per the Ayurveda, all types of doshas, like Vata, Kapha, and Pitta, play a vital role in the gallstone’s formation. Pitta is related to spicy and hot food and alcohol, among others. Excessive secretion of pitta leads to the formation of stones. Kapha increases in the body with the intake of fatty and heavy foods, and when mixed with Pitta, it leads to the production of a highly sticky mixture. Vata dries this giving it the shape of the stone. The treatment of gallstones in Ayurveda begins with identifying the root cause and customizing the medicines according to the patient’s requirements. Ayurveda doctors recommend lifestyle changes to ensure effective and result-driven treatment. 

The doctor prescribes pain killer for Gall bladder stones so that the patient can do daily chores without difficulty. In some cases, a high dose is prescribed to relieve intense pain. The treatment includes the usage of stone dissolving, Lithotrophic, herbal formula, and herbs for liver cleaning and restoring its functions. The best thing about the Ayurveda treatment is it doesn’t require surgical intervention to expel the stones.

The approach of the Ayurvedic doctor is essential in treating the problem. An experienced and trained doctor will combine the strength of Indian Vedic science, Siddha, and Ayurveda to give patients a holistic treatment to promote overall wellbeing. 

Lifestyle Changes

Simple lifestyle changes can eliminate the need for surgery when it comes to Gall bladder stone treatment in Ayurveda. Avoiding constipation, losing weight, and consuming a diet rich in Vitamin C can help improve your condition. 

Gallbladder stones are one of the most common health problems people suffer from. Timely diagnosis and effective treatment is the key to avoiding surgery. The wonders of Ayurveda help you get rid of gallbladder stones and promote overall wellbeing. 


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