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How To Get Gallbladder Stone Treatment At Home

  • , by Yogveda india
  • 3 min reading time
  • google news
How To Get Gallbladder Stone Treatment At Home

Gallbladder stone is one of the common issues which can be found these days. There are multiple ways to cure gallbladder stones. In this article, we will cover the cause, symptoms, and home cure remedies of Gallbladder stones.

A gallbladder cleanse may involve fasting most of the day and consuming tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice in the evening. Another version of the cleanse involves consuming only apple juice and vegetable juice throughout the day, then taking olive oil and lemon juice in the evening.

Hard deposit which forms in the gallbladder is known as gallstones. Two types of gallstones are found.

Types Of Gallstone

Gallstones formed due to the excess of cholesterol is called cholesterol gallstone.

Gallstone made up of excess bilirubin is called pigment gallstones.

The most common approach to cure gallstones is surgery. However, there are natural as well as home remedies for gallstone treatment possible.

Symptom of gallstone.

Intense pain in the upper right part of the abdomen is one of the common symptoms of gallstone. This usually starts from the back and goes up to the shoulder blade.

The other common symptoms found in the patient with gallstone are nausea, vomiting, gray stool, or diarrhea.

If you are looking for gallstone treatment at home, you must consult the doctor first. They can help you to guide with correct diagnosis and help you with the treatment based on seriousness.

  • The liver secretes more bile than the body can dissolve.
  • Excess pigment (bilirubin) cannot be dissolved by the body. This often leads to gallbladder stone issues.
  • Other reasons for gallstones can be gallbladder not able to empty as frequently required.

Gallstones issues are most common in :

  • Females
  • People above the age of 40 Years.
  • Diabetic patients.
  • People with obesity.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People going through hormonal issues.
  • People who consume oily and fried foods.
  • Other factors which affect the formation of gallstone are
  • Genetic
  • Lifestyle factors.
  • Diet

A balanced diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables. This helps to keep the gallbladder healthy and reduce the risk for gallstones. This also helps to control the weight as well.

Foods that are harmful to the gallbladder.

  • Refined sugar.
  • Foods that contain saturated fats.
  • Food allergens.

Home remedies for Gallstone treatment.

  • Consuming mixed juice of cucumber, beet, and carrot juice twice a day helps to dissolve the gallstones non-surgically.
  • Peppermint tea helps to give instant relief to pain caused due to gallbladder stones.
  • A mixture of pear with warm water and a tablespoon of honey can also help to dissolve the stone.
  • To reduce the risk of cholesterol stone consume teaspoons of lemon juice every day.
  • Including Haldi ( turmeric), citrus fruits, Adrak, pepper, and hing daily in the diet can help to get rid of the gall stone.

If you are going through a gallstone issue, Ayurveda is also one of the effective options available.  Unlike allopathic medicines, ayurvedic medicines are safe and don’t have side effects.

However, Gallstone Ayurvedic medicines are only effective when it’s prepared with genuine products and under proper conditions.  Yogveda Health Care is one of the trusted brands when it comes to Ayurvedic medicines. All medicines are approved by Ministry Of Ayush and have helped people to get a cure for the disease.

If you are also going through any issue and looking forward to getting ayurvedic medicine for Gallstone, Yogveda Health Care is the brand you can count on.

Contact for a free consultation:- 7470445222


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