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How to know your piles issue needs surgery?

  • , by Yogveda india
  • 3 min reading time
  • google news
How to know your piles issue needs surgery?

Most people are concerned with the pain around the anus. Generally, it is also accompanied by mucus and bloody discharge.  This shows the issue of hemorrhoids commonly known as piles.

The major question which people are most concerned about is related to surgery.

Can piles only be treated with surgery?

The answer is no. Only severe cases need to undergo surgery. In this article, we will help you to know about the initial symptoms of piles and when you should start consulting the doctors for piles treatment.

Hemorrhoids or piles can affect anyone. However as one gets older the chances of contracting this tissue increases. This generally occurs due to regular constipation and straining during the passing of motion.

Piles are also very common during pregnancy. Change in hormone level pressure on the pelvis can cause this issue. Having a family history and obesity also increases the chances of piles issue significantly.

Another most important concern is how to determine if it’s piles.

You need to check for a lump in the anus. If they cause pain you must visit your doctor. Other notable symptoms include the passing of slimy mucus or bright blood after passing motion. Piles can occur internally as well as externally.

There are multiple degrees that can determine the seriousness of the issue.

First Degree –

Piles are internal with very light bleeding.

Second Degree:-

The piles can emerge from the anus due to string and shrink into the anus after some time.

Third Degree –

In such situations, piles may not shrink on their own. Patients might feel piles hanging from the rectum. It is a very serious issue and one needs to get it checked by the doctors.

Fourth Degree –

Piles remain outside and can’t trace their path back. This is extremely serious and requires immediate medical attention.

Do you need to undergo surgery?

If medications work overtime and you feel piles improving then there is absolutely no need to undergo surgery. However, if the bleeding continues and there is very slow or no recovery, surgery is the best option in such cases.

There are basically two kinds of surgery.

Haemorrhoidectomy – It is the complete removal of piles through surgery.

Stapled haemorrhoidopexy –. Piles are removed using the special stapler device. The benefits of this procedure are less painful than conventional surgery ( Haemorrhoidectomy)

Surgery might attract some complications as well. It includes anal stricture and retention of urine.

In anal stricture, the surgery scar might have a thick recovery. It narrows down the anal passage which can be cured by another surgery.  Retention of urine is also one of the rare problems. However, it is caused by the discomfort of postoperative.

How to know it’s time to visit the doctor?

  • If you undergo these issues you should get yourself checked by the Doctor.
  • If the bleeding doesn’t stop.
  • Severe pain.
  • Large blood clots during the bowel movement.

Piles can be avoided by considering the following points.

The best way to avoid the issue of piles is by ensuring you don’t attract the issue of constipation. It can be ensured by taking diets that are high in fiber, drinking plenty of water to soften the stool, and keeping the body weight in check.

These are some of the major home remedies for piles treatment. Ayurvedic medicines of piles treatment can also help you to recover from the issue. These are completely natural and 100% safe with no or negligible side effects.


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