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Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD): Cause, Symptoms, And Remedies.

  • , by Yogveda india
  • 4 min reading time
  • google news
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD): Cause, Symptoms, And Remedies.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease  (PCOD) is one of the common diseases. It can be found mostly in women of the age group 12 to 45 years. According to a report, 5% to 10% of women of the mentioned age group face issues with PCOD.


It mainly deals with hormonal differences.

As an effect, the polycystic ovarian disease causes problems with menstrual periods in turn making it difficult for a woman to conceive.  The common symptoms which show polycystic ovarian diseases are no ovulation, irregular periods, and acne.

Treatment of it is extremely necessary as it leads to diabetes, obesity, and multiple heart-related diseases if not treated well on time.

  What Are The Causes Of PCOD?

Ovaries make female hormones and male hormones in a very small amount called androgens. These help in the development of eggs in ovaries. Polycystic ovary syndrome causes an imbalance of hormones. Androgens are produced in more quantity. This leads to a lack of ovulation, pimples, and extra facial and body hair.

In polycystic ovary syndrome, egg follicles do not mature and are released. This leads them to form a cyst in the ovary. The major cause of PCOD is either heredity transmission of diabetes.


What Are Some Of The Common Signs And Symptoms Of PCOD?

It becomes extremely important to know what are the symptoms of PCOD. It helps to address the issues at the earliest possible and get medication before complexity increases.


Here are the symptoms:-

  • Acne
  • Uncontrollable weight gain.
  • Growth of facial hair.
  • Thinning of scalp hair.
  • Depression
  • Irregularity in their period.
  • Fertility issues.


In case you go through such issues, it’s advisable to get yourself checked.

Diet And Lifestyle For Improving PCOD issue.


With few changes in your lifestyle and diet, you can ensure PCOD issues are cured at a faster pace.

Here are some of the suggestions which you must consider inducting into your life.

Maintain a balance in your exercise:- Exercise is extremely important for a fit and healthy lifestyle. However, if you overdo it, this may cause hormonal imbalance. You must consult your doctor regarding this. Low-stress exercises such as Yoga can be extremely helpful for you.


Managing a good sleep cycle:-  Good sleeping patterns can help to cure lots of medical issues. You should take at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep daily.  Apart from it you should also maintain a sleeping schedule.

Try to avoid fatty and oily food when going to bed as these often become the reason for bad sleep quality.

Consider taking acupuncture:-  Acupuncture is also an important way to cure PCOD issues. Studies revealed that this helps to increase blood flow in the ovaries, helping in weight loss and increasing the sensitivity towards insulin.


Reduce Stress:-  Regulating cortisol is extremely important for the treatment of PCOD.

Doing yoga, reducing caffeine consumption and a good sleep cycle can help you to manage the stress.

Maintain Healthy Weight. :-  Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important. As it helps to maintain your movement in a better way as well as help reduce stress and depression as well.


One needs to change the food habits as well in order to cure PCOD. Consumption of whole food is important. These don’t have artificial sugars and preservatives. Unprocessed and natural food helps to deliver maximum vital minerals which are needed by the body.

Adding these to your diet will definitely help you.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole Grains
  • Legumes

Without hormones and preservatives, your endocrine gland can function well to provide a cure to your body.

Cure PCOD issues using Ayurveda.

Herbal medicines can help you recover from Polycystic Ovarian Disease and cure it of the core.

But, ensure you take 100% genuine medicines which are made naturally. Yogveda Health Care is one of the Ayush Ministry-approved ayurvedic medicine providers. We have successfully helped patients of PCOD to get cured. If you are also looking for a trusted Ayurvedic consultation and medicines we at Yogveda Health Care are ready to serve you.


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