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Stone Care

  • , by Yogveda india
  • 9 min reading time
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Stone Care

DEFINITION OF STONE :    Apiece of hard material that can form in some organs in the body or hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form in some organs in the body  are known as stone.Most of the cases the stone problem is due to lack of water in the body as well improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle. If we talk in scientific language,major reasons occurring stone are – fatty liver, infected liver, slow metabolism & week internal body function. Now a days stone has become a major health problem in India. 

1.Types of Stone heal by us:

– Kidney stone

– Gall bladder stone

– Ureter stone

– Urethra stone

– Salivary gland stone


When hard particles of minerals and salts form in the kidneys, it is known as kidney stones. When minerals are crystallized and combined gather, the stone is evolved. This will cause unbearable pain, but it can be controlled even flushed out with the help of Ayurveda without any surgery, though it does not make any side effect.

This is really painful to pass the stone , however the stones usually cause no permanent damage but one should be able to recognize it timely. In most of the cases, you may need nothing more than to take pain medication and drink lots of water to pass a kidney stone. 


When it comes to symptoms, you may not understand until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureter — the tube connecting the kidney and bladder.This is the time, you may experience these signs and symptoms:

  • Unbearable pain in the side and back, below the ribs
  • Feel Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin
  • Feel uncomfortable and the pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity
  • Pain on urination
  • Pink, red or brown urine
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Persistent need to urinate
  • Urinating more often than usual
  • You will feel fever and chills in case of infection
  • Urinating small amount


  • High in Oxalate: The salt isoxalate and when the urine contains excess amount of oxalate and can not dissolve it, this will becomes crystals and that forms stones in kidney.
  • Lesser Intake of Water:  There is a big mistake which lead to generation of kidney stones. The lesser we consume the water there will be more risk of stones formation.
  • Improper Diet: Diet contains high protein, sodium and artificial sugar can increase the risk of kidney stones.
  • Aerated Drinks: High consumption of aerated drinks such as cola, tea and coffee is also a major reason of kidney stone formation.


Gallstones are the formation of hard solid materials and some minerals like calcium in the gall bladder. Gallstone disease is medically referred to as cholelithiasis and the pain in gall stone isunbearable. Below the liver we have the gall bladderat the right upper quadrant in the abdomen.

Gall stones Symptoms

Many people with gallstones live without experiencing any symptoms, especially if they are small and stay in the gall bladder. However, if the stones become big or move out of the gall bladder blocking the ducts, various symptoms are reported.

If you have pain marked on the right side, this is the symptom of stone gallstone disease. Patient experience right sided abdominal pains (just below the ribs), right shoulder pain, back pain around the right-mid shoulder blades. Apart from this, a patient may develop fever, sweating, nauseaor vomiting.

Causes of Gall stones

The major causeof Gall Stone is Obesity or high cholesterol &imbalance in the chemical properties of the bile, which will results increase of cholesterol in the bile.

Various individuals are at risk of developing gallstones,

  • Overweight or obsessed Person.
  • Women over 40 or women on the childbearing.
  • Family member history of developing gallstones.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Taking unhealthy of improper diet contains high fatcholesteroland less fiber diet.

Complications of Gall stones

Due to gall stone many of complications occur in our body, Gallstones may block the ducts. Inflammationof the gallbladder and infectionof the bile ducts, Jaundice – yellowness of the eyes and skin due to the blocking of the gallbladder & liver ducts causing inflammation, Pancreatitis inflammation or infection of the pancreas, Sepsis – a widespread blood infection or infection may occur due to Gall Stone, So this becomes a very serious problem.

Prevention of Gall stones

Cholesterol having a major role in the formation of Gallstones, so avoid it totally.           Reduce intake of saturated fats like; high-fat dairy products, fried foods, and avoid artificial sugar foods or drinks.

  • Increase high fiber foods, vitamin C to decrease risks of gallstones.
  • Low-fat; high-fiber diet may help to prevent gallstones formation.
  • Eat small portions of food which are easier and faster to digest
  • Take enough water (2liters) through-out the day to improve digestion and avoid gallstone formation.
  • Involve yourself in physical activities to prevent overweight and if overweight or obese, lose your weight gradually



According to Ayurveda, it is regarded as VrukkaAshmari (vrukka means kidney and ashmari means stone).

If believe in Ayurveda, most of the diseases are related to the improper diet and lifestyle. Ayurvedic treatment of Kidney Stones includes the use of special herbs, which helps in dissolving the stone in acute cases. Once this is done, the system is cleaned and strengthened using toning and rejuvenating preparathions.

Crystal cure – This is an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of Kidney Stones which uses special herbs such as Gokru,Chitrak, Punarnava, kulthi(It contains plenty of calcium, iron, phosphorus, protein) this is helpful in dissolving g the stone in critical cases. After this, it helps in the easy passing of stones with urine through the urinary tract.It helps the kidneys dissolve minerals and nutrientsand foster the process of digestion and absorption.

Rouhi– To remove stones and other toxins from your system, ROUHI works like a natural cleanser. We pack it with antioxidants, which helps in keeping the kidney’s health good and plays a role to prevent kidney stones from developing.It also lowers your urine’s acidity level and lower acidity levels reduce your risk for future kidney stones. This is the best medicine to increases urine flow which helps in passing the stones. With additional vital nutrients ROUHI will help in cleaning the kidney.

How Yogveda Heal Gall StoneyAyurvedic Medicine & Ayurveda Treatment?

Yogvedaprovides best ayurvedic treatment for Gall Stones, This Treatment not only cure the Gall stone but it also work on the root cause of Gall Stone formation. This Medication  consist two medicines Crystal Cure Capsules and Rouhi Syrup, This combination of Ayurvedic Medicine focuses on the root cause of the gallstones, by balancing the doshas that cause gallstones. An increase in Pitta (digestive fire), reduction in Vata (body movements) and an unstable Kapha (Water & Earth) 

Combination of herbs used in Crystal Cure Capsules such as; gokhru, Punarnava, chitrak, and pasanbhed among others.Focuses to dissolve Gall Stone and work on the root cause of stone, To reduce the risk of stone generation in future.

Ayurveda treatment using herbal preparation works on root cause. During treatment follow proper diet and change lifestyle to dissolve the gallstones. The herbal preparations of Rouhi Syrup detoxify the liver and gallbladder to restoring their functions and helps in dissolving Gall Stone.

The medicine and treatment programs by Yogveda not only dissolve gallstones but also improvegeneral body functions such as Liver function, Enhance Metabolism etc.

There are four main types of kidney stones

  1. Calcium stones;

The most common type of kidney stones is called Calcium stones. They are mixture of calcium and oxalate & calcium and phosphate most of the food release these chemical in our body. The color of calcium stone is Black/dark brown.

2. Uric acid stones; 

This is the second most commonly stones. It looks Yellow/reddish brown, these stones can be flushed out easily as compare to other stones. Reason behind the uric stone forms  is also  intake of excessively calcium.  when your urine is often too acidic   you have to go for your urine test because it can be symptoms of uric acid stone. 

3. Struvite stones;

Reason behind the Struvite stones are magnesium, ammonium and phosphate, we should treat these stones in the stage of early because these stones generating bacteria in our body which can infect our disesteems & create urinary bladder infections. If we suffer certain type of UTI issues these are symptoms of this.

4. Cystine stones;

Our body release some type of chemical naturally called cystine stones. This stone is find rarely as compare to other stones & food style is not responsible for these type of stone cystine find mostly those people who’s suffering from some genetic disorder.


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