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Suffering From Thyroid?

  • Is your face looking puffy even when you have not gained any weight?
  • Are you suffering from an irregular menstrual cycle?
  • Or you are gaining weight even after being on a rigorous diet?
  • Or the texture of your hair and skin is getting coarser day by day?

Symptoms Of Thyroid

  • Hair Fall

  • Irregular Period

  • Weight Gain/Loose

  • Fatigue

Causes Of Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a small organ that’s located in the front of the neck, wrapped around the windpipe and its main job is to produce thyroid hormone that mainly controls our body’s metabolism.

Now if this gland starts malfunctioning two major disorders can occur the first is hypothyroidism which means that the thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone as compared to the needs of the body and the other is hyperthyroidism which occurs when the gland goes in overdrive and starts producing too much thyroid hormone.

The horrific thing about this small gland is that depending on the thyroid disorder the symptoms are exactly opposite of each other which means that a person suffering from hypothyroidism will suffer from unexplained weight gain whereas, on the other hand, someone suffering from hyperthyroidism will likely lose weight rapidly. The same can be said for other symptoms as well.

How Thyroid Treat In The Ayurvedic Way

Now, whether you are suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, the baseline is that it is really important to keep the levels of thyroid hormone in check. Traditional medications can only take you so far but if you try the ancient ayurvedic route, you might be able to get to the route of the disease and cure it permanently.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Thyroid Treatment:

Yogveda has come up with an ancient formula based on years of study and analysis that includes 100% natural ingredients that have been used for hundreds of years. We have successfully treated thousands of patients with our ayurvedic medicine ‘ThyroHerbs Wellness Capsules’. It contains 18 natural herbs such as gokshur, shudh guggal, daruharidra, and others. It is useful in the maintenance of TSH levels, as well as the management of hormones, metabolism, and carbohydrates. Thyroid gland issues might reduce one’s quality of life. Why suffer when you have the perfect alternative solution?

Thyroherbs: Thyroherbs tablets are an ayurvedic medicine for thyroid problems and controlling TSH levels or control hormone metabolism and carbohydrates.

Ayurvedic treatment from qualified and experienced Healthcare consultants. Instant results in just 20 days.

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Book Your Consultation


What is thyroid gland ?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism and other essential bodily functions.

What are the most common thyroid disorders?

The most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid nodules.

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain/weight loss, cold intolerance, dry skin, hair loss, and depression.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, increased appetite, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, and heat intolerance

What are thyroid nodules?

Thyroid nodules are lumps or abnormal growths on the thyroid gland. Most thyroid nodules are benign, but some can be cancerous.

How are thyroid disorders diagnosed?

Thyroid disorders are diagnosed through blood tests, imaging tests (such as ultrasound or CT scans), and biopsy.

Can thyroid disorders be treated with ayurvedic treatment?

For thyroid treatment, you should look for the right ayurvedic treatment. Taking ayurvedic treatment can help you naturally treat the disease without putting any harmful substance in your body.

Book your ayurvedic treatment for thyroid now at tel:7470445222

How are thyroid nodules treated?

Thyroid nodules are typically monitored with regular check-ups and imaging tests. If the nodule is causing symptoms or is cancerous, it may need to be removed surgically.

Can thyroid disorders be permanently treated?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly may help reduce the risk of developing thyroid problems. You can also use thethyroherbs wellness capsule, it will help you with the management of your thyroid hormone and monitor your energy and metabolism level resulting in maintaining a normal weight. Get yourself thyroherbs by clicking here.Https://

What food helps in managing thyroid levels?
  • Iodized salt
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Flax seeds
  • Apples
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Get a diet plan and home remedies from our health experts.

What food to avoid for the thyroid?
  • Gluten and ultra-processed foods
  • Cruciferous vegetables and soy products
  • Alcohol
  • Fatty foods such as butter, meat, and all things fried
  • Sugary foods
What exercises can aid in managing the thyroid?
  • Boat pose
  • Plow pose
  • Legs-up-the-wall pose
  • Fish pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cat-cow pose
yogveda healthcare ayurvedic treatment

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