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  • Foods & Drinks to avoid with kidney stones

    , by Yogveda india Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Kidney Stones

    In a constantly changing era, approximately 12 to 15% of people face the challenge of kidney stone disease. While understanding that diet isn’t the only...

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  • What Diet to Follow When Someone is Going Through a Kidney Stone

    , by Yogveda india What Diet to Follow When Someone is Going Through a Kidney Stone

    What is a kidney stone, and why do they form? Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals, acid salts, calcium, oxalate, cystine, or phosphate and too little...

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  • किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने के 10 आसान तरीके

    , by Yogveda india किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने और रोगों से बचाने के लिए 10 आसान टिप्स

    किडनी हमारे शरीर के एक महत्वपूर्ण अंग हैं जो विषैले पदार्थों को हटाकर शरीर से निकालते हैं और साथ ही शरीर में वातावरण का संतुलन...

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  • Causes and symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease in Ayurveda

    , by Yogveda india Causes and symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease in Ayurveda

    Polycystic kidney disease originates due to genetic disorders. It is correlated with the occurrence of sac-like membranes which lay over the kidneys. The fluid-filled cyst...

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  • 7 Home Remedies To Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally

    , by Yogveda india Home Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones: Natural Ways to Break Them Up

    Kidney stones can be extremely painful. If you’ve ever had one, you know that you would do just about anything to avoid going through that...

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  • किडनी में पथरी हो सकती है: खतरनाक समस्या

    , by Yogveda india किडनी में पथरी हो सकती है: खतरनाक समस्या

    हमारे शरीर में अंगों का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं, जिनमें से एक हमारी किडनी होती है। किडनी हमारे शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थ निकालने और सतत मूत्र...

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  • किडनी स्टोन: कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार

    , by Yogveda india किडनी स्टोन: कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू उपचार | पथरी का इलाज बिना सर्जरी के

    बार-बार पेशाब करने के साथ पेशाब के दौरान दर्द, पेशाब करने में दिक्कत या पेशाब से खून आना जैसे लक्षण दिखाई देने पर किडनी स्टोन...

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  • Stone Care

    , by Yogveda india Stone Care

    DEFINITION OF STONE :    Apiece of hard material that can form in some organs in the body or hard deposits made of minerals and salts...

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  • Common Questions Related To Kidney Stone Issues

    , by Yogveda india Common Questions Related To Kidney Stone Issues

    What Is a kidney stone and how is a kidney stone formed? The waste remaining in the urine forms a solid mass. It is called...

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  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions For Kidney Stones Treatment in Ayurveda.

    , by Yogveda india 5 Frequently Asked Questions For Kidney Stones Treatment in Ayurveda.

    There are multiple questions that revolve around kidney stone treatment. Patients are mostly confused with the suggestions which they get related to kidney stone treatment....

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  • Kidney Stones : Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Remedies

    , by Yogveda india Kidney Stones : Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Remedies

    Kidney stones are a common kidney-related disease that results in an immense amount of pain in the urinary tract, which we come across on a...

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